Saturday, March 5, 2016

A Spoonful of Sofrito: Koolickles Kool-Aid Pickles Recipe!

A Spoonful of Sofrito: A Pinch of advice that will add a lot of flavor to your life.

Koolickles Kool-Aid Pickles
Recipe - You Made What?!

Sofrito Lovers,

Koolickles. Ever heard of them? Me neither, until I came across the Emmy Eats video posted below. Apparently, they're pickles, which have been soaked in Kool-Aid. I have no words.  I'm shocked and stunned all at the same time.

I love pickles and Kool-Aid, but the combination of the two doesn't exactly excite me. If anything, it kind of grosses me out, but I won't allow that to stop me from experiencing this Southern delicacy.  Especially, when Emmy, from Emmy Eats, makes them look so interesting and delicious.

Life is trial and error!  I can't wait to make my own bottle of Vlasic Kool-Aid Pickles-Koolickles!  I'll let you know how they taste!

Watch the video, marinate those pickles, and taste for yourself.  ¡Buen provecho!

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