Tuesday, January 8, 2019

A Spoonful of Sofrito: Flu-fighting Ginger And Garlic Soup!

A Spoonful of Sofrito: A pinch of advice that will add a lot of flavor to your life.

Flu-fighting Ginger And Garlic Soup! 

Picture from www.healthy-holistic-living.com

Sofrito Lovers,
The old adage, "Feed a cold, starve a fear" is a bunch of horse shit.  When you're sick, good food can be as medicinal as any pharmaceutical product, if not, more!
So, if you're like me-constantly fighting a cold in winter- the recipe below from Health-Holistic-living is for you!  I won't drone on and on about the myriad healing properties of ginger and garlic, but what I will say is that I've tasted this soup and it's delicious.  I love it when roasted chicken is added to the recipe, it enhances the flavor and gives you an extra lean protein kick.
Check out the recipe below and start brewing; this soup will be a life saver for us all!  Go taste for yourself!  ¡Buen provecho! 

Flu-fighting Ginger And Garlic Soup
Read the article on the health benefits here! 

Here is a recipe by ITrustNaturalCures that combines these two superfoods into a soup, and is bound to alleviate the symptoms of colds, flus, and sinus infections.

4 green onions, finely sliced
50g of grated root ginger
2 cloves of garlic, peeled and finely diced
7 cups of chicken broth or stock (or vegetable stock for vegans)
1 finely diced medium-hot chili pepper

Place the onions, garlic, and ginger in a large pot and gently saute on a low heat for 2 minutes.
Add the stock or broth and bring the soup to the boil.
Gently simmer until all the ingredients are softened.
Add the chopped chili pepper and simmer for 5 minutes before serving with warm, crusty bread
If you are not a fan of spicy, try swap out the chili pepper and add sprinkle in some cinnamon instead for other health benefits. 

For a heartier soup, add carrots and butternut squash to the pot. Allow them to simmer until softened and then puree the soup. 

If you want to turn the cold-fighting benefits of this soup into a full meal, add sliced mushrooms, chopped broccoli, and cubed organic chicken cutlets into the pot. 
For vegan options, add beans instead of chicken. Add some wild rice or quinoa into the individual bowls and you have an easy and flu-fighting meal!

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