Tuesday, January 2, 2024

Argentinian Beef Stew/Carbonada!

 Argentinian Beef Stew/Carbonada!

Sofrito Lovers,

The freezing cold New York City weather stimulates cravings for anything hearty, delicious, and satisfying.  You can't get more satisfying than an Argentinian Carbonada.  What's a carbonada? Keep reading, because it's going to be life-changing.

A carbonada is a type of beef stew that mixes interesting ingredients (dried fruits or cheeses) with typical beef stew ingredients (carrots, potatoes, and onions) to create a uniquely delicious dish.  Listen, I know that ingredients like cheese, dried fruit, and tablespoons of sugar in a beef stew might turn you off, but you must fight those purist sensibilities and give this stew a try.  

When I (a skeptic and beef stew expert) first heard of the carbonada, I thought it would taste gross, but one spoonful changed this Doubting Thomas into a total fanboy.  I beg you to give it a try-it's a new year, c'mon.

Argentina is world-renowned for its beef and red meat culture, so they know their beef stews-give it a try!  Now watch the YouTube video below (Kevin All Over) and make this incredible dish.  This recipe in particular features cheese as a main ingredient and is served in a hollowed-out pumpkin. What could be more fun?

Go taste for yourself!  ¡Buen Provecho!

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