Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Spoonful of Sofrito: Healing Vegetable Broth!

A Spoonful of Sofrito: A Pinch of advice that will add a lot of flavor to your life.

Healing Vegetable Broth

Sofrito Lovers,

Getting healthy can be delicious!  Vegetable based Healing broths are an amazing way to enjoy vegetables and reap the benefits of their nutritious vitamins and minerals.

The Veggie based broth article posted below is incredible.  Even if you're one of those crazies that hates veggies, I'm pretty sure you'll love this broth.  Give it a try! It's amazing, easy, and healthy!

Check out the post below from and treat yourself to an incredible immune boost.  You won't regret it!  Taste it, get healthy, and ¡Buen Provecho!

Healing Broth

Healing Broth is a powerful mineral-rich liquid that carries the essence of vitally nutritious vegetables, herbs, & spices in a way that is easy for the body to digest, assimilate, and utilize. You will find this recipe as comforting as it is nourishing. The ingredients of this simple recipe help to provide tremendous healing benefits to both the body and soul.

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