Tuesday, August 2, 2016

A Spoonful of Sofrito: Lay's Potato Chip Election!

A Spoonful of Sofrito: A Pinch of advice that will add a lot of flavor to your life.

Lay's Global Flavors Potato Chips Taste Test.

Sofrito Lovers,

Once again, we're in that incredible period of time when we, as American citizens, must exercise the political power bestowed upon us by our beloved country: It's time for us to vote for a new flavor of Lay's Potato Chips.

This is not a decision to be made lightly.  The consequences of this decision will reverberate throughout the snack world for years to come.  World Economies, international commerce, and trade agreements will all be affected by what we decide as a nation.

I ask that you take this seriously and take into account all points of view.  In order to ensure that you've made an informed decision, please watch the video posted below from EmmymadeinJapan and then go taste for yourself.  The future of snacking is in your hands; Good Luck and Godspeed.

As always, ¡Buen Provecho!


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